Many recruitment companies will attempt to establish a clear point of difference but realistically recruitment is a process enhanced by the individuals that operate within those parameters. The experience and skills drawn on to provide this service is the true, and we believe, the only differentiator.
Protecting your reputation and company culture is our core business. Being a wholly owned NZ business ourselves we understand the NZ market and take pride in helping change the lives of the people we meet every day.
But we are no push over and will happily walk away from business if we feel that a company is not looking after their staff or acting ethically.
Ability Map
Making a wrong hire is a costly and time-consuming process so apart from our robust ‘best fit’ recruitment methodology we also use a product called Ability Map.
Ability Map allows us to dig deeper into your person specification against the job profile you have created. By reconciling the gap between what managers think drives success and the actual capabilities displayed by top achievers in your unique business this powerful software will decode the DNA of your greatest asset – your people.
Ability Map is the only competency assessment that assesses both the person and the environment. Talk to us today about how we will identify candidates whose skills match your job requirements with much greater accuracy.