Contact Us

Bring your A Game…If you are serious about work, we will support you, encourage and help you to start work as quickly as possible.
Our office hours are Monday – Friday 8.00 am – 5.00 pm
If you're out and about you can connect with ERG Recruitment via Facebook messenger.
We recommend that you talk to one of the team so they can help find the right job for you. Regardless of your experience in any of our positions advertised we are more than happy to have a chat to see how we can help.
If you are applying for a particular job on our web site DONT FORGET to add the Job Ref and Job Title so we an get back to you quickly.

Kia mihi

The ERG Team


Auckland Office

The Workshops
Unit 7/12 Harrison Road Mt Wellington 
Ph: 09 258 5130


Wellington Office

Te Aro 
Ph: 021 707 482

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Contact Us