I was browsing on LinkedIn the other day and an article caught my eye by Paul Lyons – 10 great questions to ask if you are lacking in Inspiration Don’t we all feel a little lacking in inspiration at the start of a new year? particularly after spending the Christmas break or summer holidays watching everyone else have such a fabulous time via their Facebook or Instagram shares.
This led me to another post by a good friend in the Recruitment Industry talking about being an everyday creative and one link led to another finally bringing us all back to the #100dayproject.
How often do we give ourselves permission to play with what really gives us joy…without checking for Likes or approval?
Pauls post originated from a life coach called Susie Moore and I love that she asks simple questions like “What brought you joy as a Kid?” or better yet “What activities am I doing when I slack off at work?”
We all do it don’t we….pop on over to our friend ‘Dr Google’ for inspiration, relaxation, general stalking behaviour (slight eye roll here) when we find our creativity depleted or general boredom kicks in. Even at work I don’t have an issue with this unless off course you are suddenly several hours in on Farmville or Candy crush.…then that’s actually wasted time!
So, let’s go full circle here back to what actually spins your wheels….are you in the right job? Society does place a lot of emphasis on our career choice. How often to you hesitate when someone asks you what you do for a living. Are you feeling limited or unfulfilled at work….or is it simply that you need to get more creative and give yourself permission to play at the things that bring you joy?
As a recuiter I often say to people ‘sometimes you need a job to fuel your passion….and sometimes your passion becomes your job’
Balance is all about feeding your soul and your bank balance…..with this in mind I have started the #100dayproject for myself by being #100daycreative with my photography. I am keeping my Instagram updated with my love of images….not for the Likes or approval….this is a personal commitment for me to keep practising a craft I love.
The benefit is that I am finding I am more productive at work.…because I am playing again.
Fiona Harland – Director ERG Recruitment